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Packaging Designing Process

With a 75-year legacy and commitment to saving resources, we engineer packaging solutions for your supply chain challenges.

We Design Optimized Packaging

Prioritizing holistic and efficient design and material selection, we aim to unlock savings and extend environmental impact reduction beyond packaging, including transport, handling, protection, and warehousing, while ensuring a high level of quality. Moreover, by utilizing our 3D-based engineering process, we enable efficient global collaboration.

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Reduce Costs

By analyzing different elements of our customers' supply chains, including transportation, storage, and handling, we tailor packaging solutions to minimize overall logistics costs while maintaining efficiency and effectiveness.

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Data Driven Optimization

By analyzing data and metrics, we can make informed decisions to improve and enhance your packaging solutions. This ensures high quality and performance for your packaging while minimizing cost and environmental impact.

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Reduce Environmental Impact

Our sustainable packaging solutions are designed holistically to mitigate environmental impact across the supply chain. Our engineering teams follow Nefab's sustainability design guidelines when developing new packaging solutions.

Sustainable Design Guidelines

A truly circular packaging design considers the whole lifecycle of a packaging product, from sourcing to production to distribution. Guided by strong sustainable design guidelines, we adhere to the principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3R) in our packaging solutions. This ensures that our designs not only meet the highest standards of performance but also contribute to a more sustainable future.

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