

Nefab saves environmental and financial resources by optimizing supply chains. We do this by innovating together with our customers to create smarter packaging and logistics solutions while always respecting people and high ethical standards. This contributes to a better tomorrow for us, for our customers, for society and for the environment.The policy serves as a framework to align all process and environmental initiatives in order to achieve our external and internal goals.

Nefab has developed and implemented an Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001, to ensure the fulfilment and implementation of this Policy. Nefab Leadership Team and employees are all committed to follow and adhere to this Policy.


Nefab’s objective is to help safeguard the environment protection by preventing pollution and mitigating environmental risks that may occur as a result of business operations.
We achieve this through reducing energy, materials, and water consumption, using environmentally friendly materials and energy sources whenever possible, lowering noise and air emissions, and avoiding negative environmental impacts.


Nefab has established processes and resources to ensure that all applicable legal and regulatory environmental requirements are fulfilled. We commit to comply with any other obligations assumed by Nefab with our partners and/or other interested parties.


We secure continual improvement through the implementation and monitoring of environmental objectives and targets, and by deploying necessary measures for mitigation, prevention, and correction of environmental impact.
Recyclability and reusability, reduction of materials, CO2 footprint and hazardous substances are also considered in the management of Nefab’s general activities, products, and services.


Nefab works to improve circular economy by considering environmental aspects and prevention of pollution, together with the 3-Rs principle (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle), during the development and design of new packaging concepts and solutions for our customers.
Our teams are committed to search and strive to introduce new and more sustainable materials with lower environmental impact.


Nefab cooperates proactively with its partners throughout the supply chain for the development and improvement of sustainable solutions with the goal to rationalize logistic flows, reduce the consumption of raw materials, and maximize recyclability of our products.
Within this approach, we have established several partnerships for the continual research and development of new materials and products, together with environmental audits and logistics services aiming to reduce our environmental impact.